Can the Mediterranean diet help with weight loss?

weightloss - low carb diet

Certainly! The traditional Mediterranean diet features the consumption of low calorie, high fiber foods that are com patible with good health and the maintenance of normal body weight. Many weight-loss plans advocate increased consumption of vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, with a decreased consumption of high calorie, high saturated fat foods. Design your meals to feature fresh produce and whole grains. Use high-fat animal products only occasion ally, deriving daily protein from beans, low-fat dairy products (or preferably low-fat soy products, such as low-fat soy milk), moderate amounts of nuts, and small amounts of lowfat meat for flavoring. Stick to single portions, and add to that a more active lifestyle. You should be able to lose weight, if you are overweight, with relative ease, and at a sensible rate (1 to 2 pounds per week). Also, if you are try ing to lose weight, you may be better off forgoing that Mediterranean glass of wine with dinner. Alcohol can stimu late the appetite and add extra calories. Contact a registered dietitian to help determine your individual caloric and nutri ent needs. Also, see Chapter Nine for more on how to lose weight the Mediterranean way.

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